Frontend implementation

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We offer comprehensive frontend implementation services, focusing on providing effective interfaces for searching and viewing documents within the ECM system. The process begins with user interface design. During frontend design, our specialists conduct a thorough analysis of the client’s needs and requirements, as well as the processes present in the organization, to identify the goals and expectations of implementing the new software. Based on the information gathered, prototypes are prepared, which form the basis for the next steps.

We then move to implementation, using the Alfresco Development Framework (ADF), based on modern frontend technologies such as Angular. We also work with a backend application based on SpringBoot technology, which handles data processing operations.

In the implementation process, we focus on ensuring that the solution design is compatible with the repository and the backend application. We conduct usability and functionality tests, trying to make sure that the interface is intuitive for users. Based on test results and feedback, we make the necessary adjustments.

We also offer advanced forms functions for the frontend, enhancing document management capabilities. With data validation, encryption and dynamic forms features, we guarantee secure processing of sensitive information and improved user interaction. This also optimizes data flows, increasing overall productivity in document management applications.

Our solutions are flexible and scalable, allowing applications to adapt to changing market needs. Thanks to their modular design, our interfaces are ready for rapid customization to meet a variety of business requirements.