
Document repository

The Alfresco platform provides a place to store documents. It can be divided into business areas with limited access. Documents can be added to the repository through several channels: adding a file from a computer disk, from an e-mail box, from a network resource, FTP. Recognition of the content of scanned documents is carried out using OCR technology.

The platform includes a process modeling tool in accordance with BPMN 2.0. The system controls the created processes and prevents the formation of illegal associations of objects. Process definitions are versioned, thanks to which it is possible to complete a running process in accordance with the previous definition. The preparation of a matrix of rights based on the organizational structure and roles allows to establish general patterns of processes for the entire organization.

The system allows you to store documents in many formats, including: PDF, XLS, DOC, CSV, PPT, JPEG, PNG, TIFF. The repository module allows for full-text search of documents, it is also possible to search by attributes. For stored documents, it is possible to define document flow rules (statuses, stages, approvals), as well as set notifications and rules for individual stages or tasks.

Incoming correspondence

The incoming correspondence handling module is used for documents coming to the organization through various channels. It may be open or confidential correspondence in paper form, registered by secretariat employees or any employees, incoming correspondence in any or standardized electronic form. For each type of channel, it is possible to create a specific approval path or tasks in the process. In the case of paper documents, it is possible to generate barcodes and archive document packages while maintaining information about the content, order of documents, shipment status and physical location.

Alfresco platform allows to handle incoming correspondence by many offices in an organization. Part of the document data can be retrieved from external systems – for example, contractor data from the database of the Finance and Accounting program on the basis of TIN.

For the registration of incoming correspondence, as well as outgoing correspondence, you can customize the attributes needed for the specifics of a particular enterprise. Also, the various stages of document circulation, acceptance rules or types of tasks are flexibly adapted to the requirements of the organization.

Interest notes and calls for payment are pinned to the invoices to which they relate, which facilitates the process of clarifying arrears in payment. For the Accounting department, it is possible to generate a report containing information about the calls for payment and interest notes received on a given day.

The system allows linking documents with cases, which provides a complete picture of the status of implementation, a clear path of acceptance and decisions made in individual cases.

Outgoing correspondence

Registration of outgoing correspondence is aimed at controlling documents sent from the organization. Alfresco platforms allows integration with the systems of courier companies and the e-sender system of the Polish Post Office, which allows, for example, automatic registration of sent letters. It also allows the generation of billing statements covering ordered shipments.

The module includes support for serial correspondence – it is possible to download values from an XLS file, and support for electronic correspondence, which includes archiving of e-mail with attachments.

As in the case of incoming correspondence, it is possible to set the necessary attributes and acceptance rules, if required by the organization.

Reduction or even elimination of paper circulation results in faster delivery of correspondence to addressees inside the company, and thus speeds up business processes, decision-making, payment settlement issues, which directly reduces unnecessary costs (interest for unpaid invoices or unjustified expenses).

The system provides adequate security, which guarantees the confidentiality of correspondence and restricts access only to authorized users.

Invoice workflow proces

The natural consequence of registering an accounting document at the stage of incoming correspondence (VAT invoice, correcting invoice, advance invoice and other documents, e.g. insurance policies, debit notes) is the process of its description, acceptance and accounting. Attributes used for invoice registration, in addition to standard fields such as invoice number, net amount, gross amount, VAT, may contain information useful for the Accounting Department of a given entity – MPK, accounting accounts, payment information. The system allows you to link documents, e.g. invoices with pro forma invoices, invoices with correcting invoices, advance payments with invoices.

The workflow process of accounting documents should include the stage of substantive description and acceptance for payment. The Alfresco platform allows you to build these processes, taking into account the situation when a document needs to be corrected or the payment is withheld until the non-compliance is clarified.

The posting task can be started automatically based on completed data, but it also allows for manual changes by authorized users. The booked document number from the Accounting and Finance program is assigned back in order to facilitate document identification.

The system can facilitate the settlement of employee advance payments. Applications for an advance payment are registered along with the approval process, as well as settlements based on submitted and registered accounting documents confirming the expenses incurred. It is also possible to mark the employee’s expenses from private funds, which are subject to reimbursement.

From the level of the Alfresco Platform, it is also possible to issue corrective notes. Fields in a user-generated document are filled in automatically based on the entered data.

Contract register

The register of contracts is a record of documents. In the case of purchase agreements, it is possible to link a document with a purchase invoice, and in the case of agreements for which invoices are not issued, it is possible to generate a periodic payment document. Versioning functionality is available in the contract register, thanks to which each change to the contract terms is added to the history and allows you to track previous parameters.

The Alfresco platform allows you to create links between registers. This allows you to control contracts and fees or view the association of contracts with resources

Resource register

The Alfresco platform can also be a register of resources such as own and third-party fixed assets. You can assign a responsible person to each resource and, based on the data entered in the form, generate an fixed asset receipt document and integrate the data with the financial and accounting system. It is also possible to perform operations such as transfer or liquidation of a fixed asset. Operations can be confirmed with an electronic signature.